Unicorn Vodka Ice

Unicorn Vodka Ice is a subtle bit of magic in your glass. Imagine dropping ice into a glass in front of a guest, but it’s a beautiful, natural shade of cobalt blue. As it melts over the next few minutes, it gradually changes the color of the drink and adds a light, floral note to the finish—no artificial coloring or flavoring involved.


  • 1 part Unicorn Butterfly Pea Vodka
  • 1 part Water


Mix equal parts Unicorn Butterfly Pea Vodka and water. Fill your favorite ice cube tray and freeze.

Ready for a shot that stands out from the crowd?
 Try a Unicorn Vodka Shot →

< 5 minutes

1 shot


– 100  calories per 1½ oz of Unicorn Butterfly Pea Vodka
– Gluten-free
– 0 carbs
– 0 sugar

Can you freeze vodka?

Straight vodka will not turn to ice in a conventional freezer, because ethanol freezes at about -174 degrees Fahrenheit. You can (and should) keep any kind of vodka in the freezer in order to keep it crisp for your next cocktail, but where cocktails call for ice in the glass, the cold liqueur is not enough.

Ice inevitably melts, diluting a carefully crafted drink. So many bartenders and mixologists turn to mixing a little bit of alcohol with water in order to freeze it. That way, as the ice melts in a guest’s glass, the drink doesn’t suffer—at least not as much.

Unicorn Vodka Ice adds yet another improvement. Not only will it keep a good cocktail from becoming watered down, but as the ice melts, the natural blue color will change the look of the drink as well—enhancing, rather than diluting, the entire experience.